
FMCG: Solving Industry Challenges with Data Analytics in 2024

Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) and manufacturing in Australia faces a unique set of challenges. From intense competition and slim profit margins, to evolving consumer preferences - navigating this landscape requires the use of accurate, timely and trusted data to make informed decisions.

December 12, 2023

Fyna Foods company employees working on the factory

Unlocking the Potential of Data Analytics in the FMCG Sector

Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) and manufacturing in Australia faces a unique set of challenges. From intense competition and slim profit margins, to evolving consumer preferences - navigating this landscape requires the use of accurate, timely and trusted data to make informed decisions.

In this article, we will look at the projected growth in Australia's FMCG industry over the next 12 months. Exploring how data can be used to address challenges such as demand forecasting uncertainty, precision in demand forecasting, operational inefficiencies and quality management.

Australia’s FMCG Outlook: Growth in 2024

According to Deloitte in the latest edition of Deloitte Access Economics’ Retail Forecasts total real retail turnover is expected to rise from -0.7% across calendar year 2023 to 1.3% in calendar 2024.

This expected return to growth is attributed to increased consumer spending and a positive shift in real wage growth.

“This return to growth would be spurred by more people and also more open wallets. As inflation continues to track down there is expected to be a point in 2024 where real wage growth becomes positive again,” Deloitte Access Economics partner and principal report author, David Rumbens said.

While not a boom, this positive trend signals an improvement in the economic landscape, offering potential benefits to both consumers and retailers.

“The anticipation of sales growing once again may allow consumer and retailer sentiment to start improving towards the end of 2023,” he said.

With FMCG tracking up in 2024, let’s explore how leveraging data analytics can address the top challenges faced by manufacturers, turning obstacles into opportunities and maximising growth.

FMCG Industry Challenges vs Data Analytics Solutions

Alex Avery, Notitia Founder and Managing Director says that data analytics is key to FMCG business growth strategy in 2024.

"Data insights solve a raft of challenges that FMCG businesses face such as unpredictability and fluctuations in market trends, operational inefficiencies and product adaptation," Alex says.

"However, it first requires a deep understanding of the business needs and overarching challenges, to ensure that the data analytics solutions have meaningful and tangible impact."

With a unique blend of commercial acumen, industry knowledge and practical analytics experience, Notitia's strength is guiding FMCG clients to discover hidden value and growth opportunities within their business.

“Addressing the critical 'so-what' factor is part of our consulting approach,” Alex says.

“For clients, we transform complex business problems into actionable, data-driven insights and craft narratives that assist them to resolve challenges or enhance service delivery.

“This also includes aiding clients in recognising and harnessing the intrinsic value of their data."

#1 Challenge: Demand Forecasting Uncertainty

FMCG manufacturers face the unpredictability of consumer demand. Fluctuations in market trends, seasonal variations + unexpected events can lead to inaccurate demand forecasts, resulting in stockouts or excess inventory.

Solution: Precision In Demand Forecasting

Data analytics tools enable FMCG manufacturers to analyse historical sales data, market trends + external factors. By leveraging predictive analytics, manufacturers can achieve more accurate demand forecasts, reducing the risks associated with stockouts or overstock situations.

#2 Challenge: Operational Inefficiencies

The complex nature of FMCG supply chains can lead to operational inefficiencies, including bottlenecks, production delays, and high maintenance costs. It not only impacts productivity but also contributes to rising operational expenses.

Solution: Supply Chain Optimisation

Implementing data analytics in supply chain management empowers manufacturers to identify and address operational inefficiencies, while also fostering transparency throughout the supply chain, enhancing visibility into every stage of the production and distribution process.Real-time monitoring + analysis of production data can help to streamline processes, minimise downtime optimise maintenance schedules, ultimately reducing operational costs.

#3 Challenge:
Product R&D and Quality Management

Staying ahead in the FMCG industry requires continuous innovation + maintaining high product quality. Understanding evolving consumer preferences + adapting products accordingly poses a challenge, along with ensuring consistent quality across production cycles.

Solution: Market Insights & Consumer Analytics

Consumer analytics and market insights equip manufacturers with deep understanding of consumer preferences, evolving market trends, and competitor strategies. Through this nuanced analysis, manufacturers can strategically innovate their products, aligning them with the dynamic demands of consumers.

#4 Challenge: Consumer-Centric Marketing

FMCG Marketing strategies require personalised campaigns that resonate with diverse consumer segments, meaning that marketing spend + engagement needs to be data-driven and precise.

Solution: Customer Segmentation and Product Hyper-Personalisation

Using customer data + behavioural insights, data analytics empowers FMCG manufacturers to create targeted + personalised marketing campaigns. By understanding the unique preferences of diverse consumer segments, manufacturers can tailor their product offerings with greater precision, enhancing engagement and uplifting product sales

Case Study: Leveraging Data Analytics in FMCG

Our recent cloud migration project with Fyna Foods Australia showcases how FMCG businesses can leverage data-driven decision-making for sharper operational and commercial insights. Here’s how we collaborated with their internal experts:

Qlik SaaS Cloud Migration: Fyna Foods recognised the potential of maximising operational and commercial insights by migrating from an on-premise server to the cloud. Notitia provided the additional resources needed to ensure a swift and seamless end-to-end migration.

Technology & Tools: We supported Fyna in modernising their technology stack to keep pace with growth and drive efficiencies in their operational processes.

Analytics Managed Service Provider: Notitia’s flexible data analytics expert “on-demand” service offers access to our team to support internal staff with day-to-day tasks such as extracting reliable insights, technical training, visualisations, and dashboards.

Advisory: We shared industry insights and examples of how businesses are using data to generate actionable insights.

Read the full case study here.

Using Data to maximise growth in FMCG + Consumer Markets Industries

Notitia’s team can provide data-driven solutions to help you to understand market trends, consumer behaviours and supply chain:

  • We equip our clients with the knowledge and tools necessary to understand their data, enabling them to unlock and maximise its value in various facets of their business.
  • Integrating insights into their business, our clients can refine marketing strategies, enhance customer engagement, and optimise supply chains.
  • Our team brings a wealth of knowledge in areas ranging from supply chain optimisation, pricing, and promotion strategies, to demand forecasting and customer-focused analytics.
  • Our expertise is rooted in addressing and overcoming the multifaceted issues that FMCG companies face, ensuring our clients excel in today's competitive market.

> Questions about how we can help with your data strategy? Book in a call with Notitia Managing Director, Alex Avery or read more about the Notitia Team here.

Image Credit: Eddie Jim, The Age

Notitia's Data Quality Cake recipe