Our Clients:
Who we've worked with

Read about some of our amazing clients we’ve worked with + their data and digital transformation success stories.

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West Gippsland Healthcare Group

• West Gippsland Healthcare Group operates from a number of sites in the Shire of Baw Baw to provide acute medical and surgical, obstetric, emergency, community and aged care services.

• The healthcare group approached Notitia to improve the way that they extracted reliable and valuable data insights.

• Notitia’s co-design process, combined with iterative data modelling - a way of refining and improving data quality and outputs in an incremental way - allowed WGHG and Notitia to deploy data dashboards rapidly.

• Providing their executive team and managers with quicker and more accessible data and reporting would support both their day-to-day data driven decisions, alongside long-term strategy and planning.

• Notitia's solution involved a three-pronged approach which included setting up multi-layered reporting, automated and customised departmental reports via Qlik apps and data literacy training to ensure that internal stakeholders were empowered to use their data.

• Notitia worked closely with West Gippsland Healthcare Group’s clinical data analyst to deliver this project in six weeks.

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Monash IVF Group

• Monash IVF Group needed to consolidate their data from disparate clinical and operational systems, into a centralised single hub.

• Notitia implemented Qlik Sense SaaS Data Analytics platform, reporting + dashboards.

• This provided a singular source of truth + a holistic view of their customer journeys.Championed by Marketing, Finance and Operations delivered as Internal and External Reporting.

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Gippsland Health Alliance (GHA)

• GHA, a publicly- funded shared technology service, needed to expand its data service to their 17 regional health sites + hospitals, switching from an on-premise datacentre to cloud.

• Notitia migrated 500 Qlik Sense SaaS, applications , creating dashboards, adding data into the cloud, implementing security parameters + testing functionality.

• Taking less than a month, Notitia ensured the project was executed securely, quickly + seamlessly, saving GHA time, resources and providing external validation over the environment.

• Provided full training to developer and power users across their health sites, empowering data teams to build and deploy operational and clinical dashboards to better understand patient journey and operational improvement opportunities.

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Bubup Wilam Aboriginal Child and Family Centre

• Bubup Wilam needed a bespoke web application, as a ‘virtual doorway’ into their centre.

• Their goal was to centralise record keeping + communication progression, against culturally appropriate measures.

• Notitia designed + built their portal to fit their needs, as no existing technology would allow the care provider to understand the whole journey of the child, while retaining Indigenous data sovereignty + ownership as an Aboriginal organisation.

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Nepean Blue Mountain - Primary Health Network (NBMPHN)

• NBMPHN needed to provide their General Practitioner stakeholders with regular reports to measure improvements in patient care (PIP-QI).

• Notitia custom designed and built a set of dashboards that detail key metrics + data quality indicators, that allowed for consistent + easily comprehensible reporting with  interactive customised visualisations.

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Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

• Bespoke Website Portal + Visual Map Exploration Tool for Rangers + Compliance Officers that allows users to input data, access multiple data sources + view on interactive geospatial maps.

• Notitia custom built + designed the portal to meet their needs: Quick access + exploration of data and information, historical modelling of poaching risk + patrol effort + forecast data for weather + poaching risk.

• All developed security on Microsoft Azure cloud, including operationising R scripts into Azure Databricks - allowing for a reliable statistical data pipeline.

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Eastern Freeway - Burke to Tram Alliance (Eastern BTA)

• Microsoft Sharepoint employee intranet to support internal communications, increase cross-divisional information sharing + engagement + work together within a centralised knowledge base.

• Our UI UX design + web development teams created an intranet that met Eastern BTA’s overarching internal communication goals, the needs of each business division + user experience of 800 employees.

• Notitia deployed Qlik SaaS, including migrating a legacy on premise environment with hundreds of apps and dozens of streams. We implemented new developer ways of working that enables secure access to data both on premise + cloud, and allows for real-time collaboration and governed access to data, alongside extensive end user training + videos.

Fyna Foods

• Fyna Foods migrated to the Qlik Sense SaaS solution, with Notitia providing the end-to-end strategic + technical support to securely, quickly + seamlessly implement the migration.

• Notita provided a “CIO as a Service” function in support of a migration of all operational systems to the cloud, updating processes + solutions to support the refresh of systems.

• Their team continue to use Notitia’s “Analytics as a Managed Service” to access Notitia’s expert data analysts + internal support for reliable insights, training, data visualisations + improvements to dashboards. 

• A key benefit of this ongoing service is flexibility - with demand scaled up or down depending on Fyna Food’s requirements + pace of internal projects.

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Foodbank Victoria

• Foodbank Victoria needed greater access to accurate + reliable data to make data-driven decisions + deliver their service to areas of most need.

• Notitia produced an interactive dashboard with “what-if?” scenario-analysis + historical growth by postcode, customisable traffic-light alerting, geographic overlay (state, electoral boundaries, LGA, postcodes, custom catchment zones) + impact modelling of future distribution hubs.

• Notitia also implemented Qlik Sense SaaS, along with a cloud migration, development + deployment of Azure Data Lake, developer training + bespoke dashboards.

Outcome Health

• Notitia Supported Outcome Health in the ongoing development of the Qlik Sense based embedded reporting solution for their POLAR solution, which provides data and analytics to 5000 users across 1500 general practices across Australia. 

• Mainly used by Primary Health Networks (PHNs), POLAR has allowed Outcome Health to transform + present data to support better patient health outcomes.

• Notitia assisted Outcome Health in providing Qlik licences, support + and ongoing training.

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